Indonesia Consult (IndoCon)
is an interdisciplinary company and network which aims to be the gateway of
different cultures and expertise all over the world.
Established in 2006, IndoCon’s
first role is to bridge the communication between Indonesia and Germany only;
but with the years of experience in dealing with wider network of specialized
partners and alliances, it progressively turned into a vaster consultancy firm.
The IndoCon consultancy network brings together
various partners,
stakeholders and alliances by
serving as an interface to advice, connect, interrelate and trade ideas with clients.
Driven by experienced
members, the team will be pleased to customize solutions that directly address
your specific needs.
Persistently thrilled to be
a part of the eco-friendly and sustainable wing of the consultancy industry,
Indocon will take various cultures and expertise to an entire innovative platform.
Indocon maintains its flexibility and openness, and will adapt to the
consistently evolving needs of its clients and partners by keenly providing the
best services.